Withybush General Hospital Enhances their Frailty Service with RITA
We recently introduced the RITA system onto our Ward and this has contributed significantly to the quality of care we are able to give our patients and helps us meet their needs which is not always easy. Alongside hospital-wide frailty initiatives, Senior Sister Lisa Marshall and the staff on ward 12 are delivering their own Frailty Improvement project.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital – Falls Prevention Project
The lead Falls Prevention Specialist and Dementia Specialist Nurse piloted the use of Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activity systems (RITA) on wards with a high incidence of patients with dementia and falls. The aim of the pilot was to ascertain if the intervention of RITA would improve patients’ experience, wellbeing and reduce falls in older people in an acute setting.
Llys Cadfan Care Home digitally enhances quality of life & wellbeing
Llys Cadfan is a care home owned by Gwynedd Council in North Wales. This case study provides an insight into how RITA was used to enhance the lives and well-being of residents at Llys Cadfan.
Harplands Hospital - Applications of digital reminiscence therapy
Staff at Harplands Hospital provide an insight in to how they used RITA's reminiscence and activity content to positively engage with a patient and gave him a voice again!
Applications of digital reminiscence therapy – Charlton Lane Hospital
A proprietary piece provided by the Authors on their experiences of using less traditional interventions ( RITA) as a means of engaging and generating interest across a diverse mix of inpatients at the hospital. The results have demonstrated reduced incidence of aggression, resulting in happier patients and therefore affording a tool for ongoing engagement.
Walsall Healthcare The Manor Hospital
Improving the quality of person-centred care as a means of reducing agitation. Improving stimulation through purposeful and meaningful activity and engagement. The Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, previously known as Walsall Hospital NHS Trust, was formed in April 2001. It runs Walsall Manor Hospital and provides community services in Walsall
Somerset Partnership Stratfield Day Centre & Wellington Community Hospital
Severe and complex Mental Health problems. Marked behavioural difficulties as a consequence of Metal Health problems. Complex Family/Carer situations requiring specialist intervention.
Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (MOHOST Study)
Hearing a person’s life story can be a powerful tool to help understand the individual and their experiences. It also helps with their memory, which is relevant for our service users. Our MHSOP service has taken on this work of capturing life stories of the service users.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHSFT
To Research and embrace technology to aid cognitive stimulation and engagement with residents within the Centre and to seek out new activities and monitor their effects, having tried and tested other options including using small tablets found that these were not effective when working with the elderly and those with memory problems, we needed to […]