Case Studies - Reduction in TNR 1:1 Specialling Costs

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RITA contributes to Abbey Lodge Residential Care Home coming out of special measures

This week we are no longer in special measures and I want to shout it from the roof tops! RITA has played a key part by increasing the activity for the residents and allowing us to deal with difficult situations more effectively.

Bradford Royal Infirmary

Dementia and Delirium Care is a key priority for the organisation. Improving the quality of care for our patients must be achieved through taking advantage of innovative ways of engaging and personalising care and improving opportunities for social interaction.

Bolton NHSFT

Royal Bolton Hospital. Ward C2 were granted the opportunity to run a 4 week trial with the aim of reducing specialling on the Acute Medical Ward.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Royal Gwent Hospital

Whilst this is a 30 bed Cardiology Ward, not all patients are singly diagnosed with cardiac problems. On our ward we have patients with end stage Huntington’s- Chorea and also patients with Schizophrenia as well as other complex conditions It can be challenging to find useful techniques in dealing with these patients.

South Tyneside NHSFT South Tyneside District Hospital

To provide stimulation to patients as a way of calming and reducing anxiety and agitation as well as freeing up valuable nursing resource in 1:1 Nursing Care.