New Bradley Hall showcase how RITA has been an integral part of life during the Pandemic
RITA has already contributed to a reduction in safeguarding incidents, increases in nutrition and hydration rates and enhanced the quality of life and wellbeing of residents and staff.
Dudley Dementia Gateway Services - Crystal Gateway
One individual would continually walk with purpose for very long periods of time (4 to 5 hours) The individual would then become very tired and unsteady and at risk of falling. The fish tank activity on RITA not only proves to calm his manner and encourage him to sit and rest, it also assists with his mental stimulation.
RITA contributes to Abbey Lodge Residential Care Home coming out of special measures
This week we are no longer in special measures and I want to shout it from the roof tops! RITA has played a key part by increasing the activity for the residents and allowing us to deal with difficult situations more effectively.
Llys Cadfan Care Home digitally enhances quality of life & wellbeing
Llys Cadfan is a care home owned by Gwynedd Council in North Wales. This case study provides an insight into how RITA was used to enhance the lives and well-being of residents at Llys Cadfan.
Dudley Metropolitan Council
The impact of RITA has been shared with management teams, the falls steering groups, the integrated commissioning executive & the dementia steering group. They have received feedback from a range of professionals & other residential/care homes wanting to extend the use of RITA across the system.