Applications of digital reminiscence therapy in inpatient mental health nursing for patients with (and without) dementia.
AUTHORS - Timothy John Whittard (DipHE, Mental Health Nursing, RNMH) and David Anderson (BSc (Hons), Physiotherapy, MCSP).
Great News NHS Lothian!
North Cumbria Hospitals reduce falls by 76.9%
Who Cares about Falls? RITA Does!
A harmed fall can cost the Trust upwards of £70K. However, I am strongly of the view that any fall causes harm! So, this was one of the many areas where we decided to place significant focus and how we can improve the patient experience for the elderly and particularly those living with dementia and reduce the risk to meet with our over-riding strategic aim of high quality, safe and effective service for our patients.
Having conducted a great deal of research into many different alternatives, we decided to try ‘RITA’. This has been our additional resource and it has been powerful in stimulating the elderly patients on Elm C Ward. We noticed the falls rate on our other ward, Willow A had increased and as Falls Prevention Lead, quickly realised this was something we needed to address. We brought ‘RITA’ onto Willow A Ward, the change was significant.
Building on Success: The Distraction Therapy – Library Service at Walsall The Manor Hospital
The Distraction Therapy Collection is a range of specialist equipment, including touch screen monitors and tablet computers provided by My Improvement Network. Healthcare professionals at Walsall use the equipment at point of care to distract and stimulate patients with dementia. In a successful collaboration between the Older Adults Mental Health Team, Dementia Support Team and Library and Knowledge Services, a unique online tracking system for the collection was created and is now managed by the library specialists.
The Sally Hernando Awards for Innovation in NHS Library & Knowledge Services 2018
Distraction Therapy Collection
You can view the Distraction Therapy Collection in the Equipment Loan Service catalogue.
NHS Turns 70!
Everyone is celebrating the NHS turning 70!
Our trainer, Simon Bower, visited Trafford General Hospital, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust on Thursday 5th July, to join in with the celebrations.
Whilst Simon was there, NHS nursing staff dressed up in old uniforms from the past 70 years. This picture shows how much the uniforms have changed over the past 7 decades.
Have you visited the Better Care Fund
The Better Care Fund (BCF) is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government which seeks to join-up health and care services, so that people can manage their own health and wellbeing, and live independently in their communities for as long as possible.
Overview of our Prevention of Delirium/Falls and Dementia Study Day at West Suffolk Hospital
Dr Stephen Dunn, Chief Executive, introduced the day, making a particularly strong point about the importance of getting to know the person, especially with the ageing population increasing, and so too the demands on the NHS. He talked about the importance of recognising delirium and the importance of continual education and further understanding on this subject, both trust-wide and nationwide.
World Delirium Awareness Day
RCN Older People's Forum Vicki Leah 14 Mar 2018
World Delirium Awareness Day provides us all with the opportunity to highlight that delirium is a medical emergency, but you can make a difference.
Today is World Delirium Awareness Day, an international effort to raise awareness of delirium among patients, carers, healthcare professionals, administrators and policy-makers.
Dudley Group & Walsall the Manor Hospital Study Days
We have just had two further remarkable Study Days at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley and Walsall The Manor Hospital, Walsall in the West Midlands.
The flavour for the two Study Days were both very different, the Russells Hall event’s focus was around Falls Prevention, whilst The Manor Hospital’s main messages were around Dementia. Both events were very well attended and the feedback has been incredible. We are committed to a programme of these Study Days throughout the year, so if you would like to attend, or similarly, if you would like to host a Study Day at your hospital, please contact us by email: These Study Days are classed as authorised Study Days and an opportunity to share in best practice. It includes an agenda from fellow clinical professionals, followed by lunch. There is no subscription or costs to attend, you just need to register.