Elderly patients to benefit from reminiscence therapy at Royal United Hospital Bath
A charitable donation to the Royal United Hospital will help provide more reminiscence therapy for elderly patients thanks to the purchase of a new device.
It's Dementia Action Week!
It's wonderful to see Eva Hamilton (Mikes daughter) doing her bit for Dementia Action Week.
Kingsmill Hospital reduce LoS and eliminate chemical restraint using RITA
RITA was used in conjunction with the carers passport on a Ward. The ward staff were able to set an individual profile up with the assistance of a relative for a patient with Lewy Body dementia. They completed a ‘my life’ passport for this patient, this included her likes and dislikes, food preferences, former hobbies and career. Using reminiscence therapy through RITA supported the staff and the patient and increased the opportunities for social interaction on the ward.
The benefits supported by RITA for this patient has included a shorter length of stay in hospital, chemical restraint has not been used as the patient has been less agitated during this admission and has aided a patient centred approach to nursing care.
From 1st February to 8th March 2021 RITA has been used for 777 hours on the Ward.
Witness the power of a Life Story book viewed through Joe's eyes! Warning: Tissues at the ready
If any one is in any doubt about the impact of producing life story books for people living with Dementia, please watch this heart warming video. Meet Joe...Joe had Dementia but like many who live with Dementia, he also a led a very rich and colourful life.
Latest: NHS North Tyneside CCG RITA Testimonial
It is always a great honour to receive positive testimonials from our customers. We are very passionate and proud of RITA and it means the world to us when customers take the time to write about their experiences and feedback. We would like to thank Lesley Young- Murphy - Exec Director of Nursing: Chief Operating Officer at North Tyneside CCG for sending us such a lovely testimonial. Read the testimonial HERE
1st 200 RITA Training Certificates sent to Wolverhampton Care homes
Following investment from Wolverhampton Council and Wolverhampton CCG, 71 of Wolverhampton care homes have now received their RITA devices and over 200 care staff have been trained by our very own Fiona Hassall. Fiona has been flat out delivering training over the past couple of weeks, she has even delivered training at night for staff on the night shift. As a result, the first 200 certificates are now on their way and the feedback has been amazing. Here are a few of the comments:
RITA is used to improve staff morale at Royal Stoke University Hospital
Following the recent expansion in the use of RITA at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Rebecca Ferneyhough - Quality Improvement Facilitator at Royal Stoke reports:
Amazing Tear Jerking Feedback from Ward 222 at Royal Stoke!
We recently announced that the UHNM charity funded 32 new RITA devices for both Royal Stoke University Hospital and County Hospital in Stafford: Read here: Charity funds more RITA's at UHNM.
Villette Lodge in Sunderland are already making great use of RITA!
Villette Lodge care home in Sunderland which provides emergency care and accommodation to people with learning disabilities, recently received their RITA equipment following further investment from Sunderland Council.
Charity-funded technology improves experience of Covid-19 patients
The hospital experience of patients recovering from Covid-19 has been improved thanks to charity funding.