In March 2021 Sheffield CCG generously invested in RITA for over 14 of its care homes.
Each home attended training and managers were urged to embed the technology in to general day to day routines,The implementation has been closely monitored by the council and MIN which includes usage monitoring and feedback surveys.
To date we have received amazing feedback and the outcomes being achieved match those being achieved elsewhere throughout the UK.
Outcomes being reported include reductions in challenging behaviour, increased socialisation, reduced falls, reduced hospital admissions, increases in food and fluid intake and significant enhancements in mental health and stimulation!
“RITA is absolutely amazing! I wish I had 5!
We have one gentleman who usually stays in his room but has sat at the end of the corridor and is on film number 4. Honestly, I’m so grateful for it, it will definitely be one of the best things for people in care homes. The selection is amazing and it has activity ideas that also prompt staff"
Case studies available (Click to view):
“Overall, RITA has been a great asset to the home and has proved invaluable with some ladies and gents, this in regard to behaviour, mood and has stimulated conversation from residents that are usually quite reserved!”
"We’ve found that RITA brings our residents closer together as they realise how much they have in common through using the RITA activities as a starting point for conversations."
"We have not recorded 1 single resident on resident incident for the month of July 2021”