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City of Wolverhampton Council

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In March 2021 City of Wolverhampton Council (part funded by Wolverhampton CCG) generously invested in RITA for over 70 of its care homes.

Each home attended training and managers were urged to embed the technology in to general day to day routines,

The implementation has been closely monitored by the council and MIN which includes usage monitoring and feedback surveys.

To date we have received amazing feedback and the outcomes being achieved match those being achieved elsewhere throughout the UK.  

Outcomes being reported include reductions in challenging behaviour, increased socialisation, reduced falls, reduced hospital admissions, increases in food and fluid intake and significant enhancements in mental health and stimulation!

“We love Rita. Wish we could have more units as it’s been a god send especially through the pandemic"

Case studies available:

Abbey Lodge Care home

Becky Wilkinson Director - Adult Services explains what has been achieved, Watch here:


“The team at Abbey Lodge have had a difficult 6 months; I became manager 8 months ago and shortly after that the home was placed into special measures following an inspection before my appointment. I am pleased to say that from this week we are no longer in special measures and I want to shout it from the roof tops! RITA has played a key part by increasing the activity for the residents and allowing us to deal with difficult situations more effectively. Thank you for your support!”


"We have a resident who is at risk of falls, and it has been very useful for them, and has helped us manage our overall falls risks, and we believe it has reduced our falls already.”

In March 2021 City of Wolverhampton Council (part funded by Wolverhampton CCG) generously invested in RITA for over 70 of its care homes. To date we have received amazing feedback and the outcomes being achieved match those being achieved elsewhere throughout the UK.  Read more about the project here, including many individual case studies and a video.....
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Watch Case Study video
